Sunday, April 19, 2009

How to live to one hundred without getting Cancer

Research has shown that much of the increase in lifespan that has occurred in the last 100 years has come as a result of public health measures, like hygiene, sanitation and refrigeration but not modern medicine. The natural life span for human beings is actually one hundred years but very few people reach this grand age because of the way we live. Cancer is our second leading cause of death and one in three people living in western developed countries can be expected to be diagnosed with the problem during their life time.

The best strategy to not die of cancer of course is to not get it in the first place. It's well known that our current ways of treating cancer are not very effective, with a cure rate of around 3 to 4 percent. Avoiding cancer is easy when you understand its causes. When you consider that cancer was almost unheard of 50 to 60 years ago and it is prevalent today only in developed countries but not in undeveloped countries, it is not hard to see the reasons why it is occurring and what is causing it with such frequency.

Cancer is a man made disease; it is increasing at an alarming rate, so with that in mind the way to prevent being diagnosed with cancer is to practice prevention.

Cancer has 3 main causes, they are nutritional deficiencies, the toxic chemicals we encounter everyday and our sedentary lifestyle, or our lack of exercise.

Our diets have strayed far from the food we were eating a few decades ago. Most of our food now days come from supermarkets and has been processed or altered in some form. We all believe we are eating good nutritious food but nothing could be further from the truth. Because most supermarket food has been processed this food will be old and ‘nutritionally dead'. Those magic ingredients in our natural food, which man is only just now discovering, do keep us healthy but unfortunately have been removed through processing.

The natural food for humans is freshly grown fruit and vegetables and to remain free of cancer we need to eat some these foods everyday.

The chemicals we now have access to are in excess of 70,000 most of which have been extracted from crude oil. These chemicals are in the homes we live in, the cars we drive and we also apply them directly to our skin in the form of personal care products. Many of them are insidious poisons and traces of these chemicals do finish up in our bloodstream through various ways. Only a small percentage of these chemicals have been tested for short term reactions and none have been tested for long term problems like cancer.

Lastly exercise, the human body was meant to be physically active as it is only through muscular movement that our immune system can remain strong and keep us free of all diseases. The immune system naturally weakens as we age and this is why cancer commonly starts to appear after mid life.

There is no mystery about cancer!

If you want to live free of cancer you must eat live food, which is food in its natural state, eat in moderation and do adequate exercise. To live out your natural life span it is essential to keep your immune system in peak performance and there are only natural ways to achieve this.

Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher, having spent many years specializing in cancer. For information on more effective ways to heal cancer that you won't be told about and what's going on in the cancer industry please visit

About the Author:

Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher and has been interested in and studied cancer for the last 20 years. He is the author of the book "Cancer, its Causes and its Cure."

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